Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Why I'm In A Good Mood

I am in a good mood because I am finally able to see a headline like this:

Obama Vows to Cut Budget Waste

Cutting government waste is not a signature, liberal, "Democratic Party" issue, some might say. But I beg to differ. So much of what past Democrats and Republicans have done is redistribute money upwards - to companies, to stock holders, to the middle class, to those who already have enough to be comfortable. "Help the middle class, shit on the poorest" could have been the mantra of both parties. My hope is that Obama does a whole lot less of this. The example of government waste that the author above cited in the article brings joy to my heart! Obama plans to cut wasteful subsidies to big agribusiness producers. The same people who bring to market loads of cheap, unhealthy corn syrup that is practically madel of petroleum. I couldn't have picked a better example myself, what a good place to start! Why haven't Democrats done this before? Because they have been in the pocket of the agribusiness lobby. And the following headline gives me hope that change really has come to America, even if it is starting out kind of slow.

Obama to Limit Inaugural Donations

Seriously, isn't this great? A president for all the people. Pinch me before I wake up.

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