Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm not the only one that had big fun last night...

The image to the right might be a picture of Lynne's desk. Or so it smelled in her office today. We did end up having a few drinks last night, to modestly celebrate the 32nd anniversary of my birth. Check out Lynne's email to me this morning:

so get this. i got to my desk this morning and could not figure out what was smelling so bad in my cubicle. it wasn't the smoke on my jacket, or the grease in my hair that i was smelling. it smelled like poop. so i continued to work through the smell for the last 3 hours until finally i decided i had to track it down. turns out i had left my lunch on my desk yesterday after only eating half of it. and it was actually last week's lunch that i had never eaten, and included a container of kale that we'd probably cooked over a week ago now. i didn't eat the kale yesterday b/c i thought it might be funky. instead i let it sit on my desk for 24 hours. and that was the source of the poop smell. that, on top of getting to work and realizing that my backpack was unzipped as well as my fly, has made for quite a day so far. hangovers are a beauty aren't they?

Lynne E. Gratz
PhD Candidate, Atmospheric Science
University of Michigan Air Quality Laboratory

1 comment:

corndad7 said... "poop talk" has two venues.....6th Grade bathrooms and PhD candidate offices!