Friday, March 28, 2008

NCAA Bracket Battle: War of the Roses Edition!

My email to Lynne this morning:

Hi honey,

I was taking a break and looking at your bball bracket, and you look to be in pretty good shape this round. You went 3/4 last night (only missing on Xavier) and you are poised to win four today (the four you picked are the presumptive favorites). Moreover, you are going to kill me this round, as you and I have the same picks for two games, and you are in the running for additional games that I don't even have a chance at. Check it out:

You have:

Memphis over Michigan State
Texas over Stanford
Kansas over Villanova
Wisconsin over Davidson

I have:

NOBODY in this game (I had Pitt over Memphis)
Texas over Stanford
Kansas over Villanova
NOBODY in this game (I had Georgetown over Wisconsin)

Even if you miss on one of those two games that I don't have a chance at you still get a big leg up on me, and if you hit on both you are ahead of me! Here is how we did in the first two rounds:

Tyler 21 + 20 = 41
Lynne 18 + 18 = 36

Yesterday, we both picked 3/4, so we each got an additional 12 pts.

Tyler 41 + 12 = 53
Lynne 36 + 12 = 48

So, if Memphis beats state, and Wisconsin beats Davidson, you jump ahead of me. SNEAKY FOX!!! Of course, the tricky part is that each round is worth more points, so the games on saturday and sunday will be worth 8 points. For those games we have:

You have:

North Carolina over Louisville
NOBODY (you had Duke over UCLA)
Memphis over WHOEVER
Kansas over WHOEVER

I have:

North Carolina over Louisville
UCLA over Xavier
Texas over WHOEVER
Kansas over WHOEVER

So, for you to keep it close with me in this round, you need UCLA to lose, and Memphis to win tonight and against Texas on Sunday. If you do that, you kick my butt, big time.

So, the point of this whole email is to say that the stakes are high for us tonight:

If memphis beats state, you are climbing, but still down by 1 pt! If that happens and wisconsin beats davidson, you are ahead of me by 3pts! No matter what else happens.

If memphis wins tonight and on sunday, and Xavier beats UCLA, you are up by a whopping 9 points!



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